One of the hardest parts of recovering at this age is being stuck at home. For the first couple of weeks it is fine because you do not have as much lucidity and your physical ability is pretty low, but as the body gets stronger living on the couch looses its flare. Exercise helps, but again, after time walking on a treadmill becomes routine and you crave a chance to get out of the house and do more. The challenge is, before the six week point you cannot drive and are dependent on the family and friends around you!
So what is the solution?
On some days it is not possible to find an escape route, but with the proper steps you can ensure most days that you are up to it, you are able to leave the house. The first preparation to make before surgery for this aspect of recovery is to purchase gift cards to favorite venues, restaurants, movie theaters, book stores etc. This gives you an excuse to get out and provides you with fun, tangible goals. It is also of vital importance to have a few people with whom you have spoken before surgery about helping you get out and about afterwards. For me, this was a conversation I had with my parents, friends and siblings. While you cannot easily plan ahead, having their support and being able to call on them with a few days notice secures your momentary bids for freedom. Finally, it is most important that you take care of your body by eating healthily and exercising reasonably each day (by walking) so to guarantee you have the most energy you possibly can for both healing and outings.
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